About Rachel...
About Rachel
Rachel Medlin, PA is a law firm that handles adoptions. Rachel Medlin is licensed to practice in the State of Florida (Florida Bar #0780650).
Summary of professional experience:
Rachel Medlin, PA
Sole practitioner representing families adopting through the State, privately, or from overseas, as well as step-parent and adult adoptions.

General Master (Magistrate), Juvenile Division, 10th Judicial Circuit
Handled judicial review hearings. termination of parental rights advisory hearings,
child hearsay motions and evidentiary hearings as requested by the Juvenile Judges
for protective services, foster care and adoption cases.
Hearing Officer, 10th Judicial Circuit
Conducted child support establishment and enforcement hearings in both private and Department of Revenue cases. Handled evidentiary hearings to address visitation, child support, contempt and other issues in family law cases referred by the Family Court Judges. Adjudicated civil traffic infractions and violations of county and municipal ordinances.
Program Attorney, Guardian Ad Litem Program, 10th Judicial Circuit
Represented the Guardian Ad Litem Program in both the Family and Juvenile Divisions. Provided legal advice to the Program Director, Case Coordinators, and attorney and lay volunteers. Recruited attorney volunteers to represent children in criminal and termination of parental rights cases. Designed and presented training for new and experienced guardians.
Senior Attorney, Department of Children and Families, Lakeland, FL
Handled active caseload of over four hundred juvenile dependency cases, including foster care, terminations of parental rights and adoptions. Represented the Department in juvenile and family court. Provided legal advice to Department case workers, supervisors and administrators. Created and implemented training for Department staff, foster parents and contract providers.
(8/1990 - 10/1997)